Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Call Congress to say yes!

I am somewhat relieved that it looks like there are reportedly enough U.S. Senators to support the proposed deal with Iran that stops its potential paths toward a nuclear weapon; but it all depends what happens when Congress acts within the next 50 days or so.

You know, American politics: 1) Money (bribes) is a powerful motivator, and 2) It hardly longer acts “For the people.” And most of the hopeful presidential candidates feel the way hopeful Marco Rubio, who said, "When I'm president, we won't just reverse President Obama's dangerous Iran deal. We will increase sanctions on Iran." So scary!

I was so appalled when many Democrat Congressman didn’t support our Democratic President Barack Obama! More than 5 world powers support Obama’s deal. If Congress prevails in stopping this deal, it will have many detrimental affects. It will show the world the American cannot deliver on its commitments.

Unfortunately, those Republican Congressman have been hell-bent on opposing anything Obama does during his Presidency. I grew up in a world that respected the President. Families had pictures of the President on their walls! They elected him because his views and focus were reflections of them.

That is why it is extremely important we bombard the D.C. switchboard with calls. Visit their office while they are in town. Make contact!

The phone numbers are: 1-800-828-0498 1-800-459-1887 1-800-614-2803 1-866-340-9281 1-866-338-1015 1-866-220-0044 1-877-851-6437

On another note: I am not surprised Patriots QB Tom Brady beat the NFL-impost suspension of four games for illegally deflating footballs that supported the team's efforts to win the Super Bowl. It al comes down to money. Fucking cheaters!