Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Things change. Right?

Thank you for coming to my blog! (Sticking with me...) Since djt was elected, this blog has been neglected.  Honestly, I have suffered from some sort of community anxiety disorder but more on that later.  I wrote "Angry White Syndrome " May 8, 2016 ...  Just thought it is interesting to revisit. 

There is a group of people who have been forgotten by lawmakers prior to the second term of our President Barack Obama. It's a faction of Americans who are pissed off that they haven't gotten their fair share of the wealth in this country - despite the fact they have been watching the GOP Congress take away the Middle Class.

The men and women (mostly White) fuel their anger through FAUX (Fox) News and right-wing-owned, opinionated TV, Radio and Print Media.

There has always been Angry White Men, with dutiful wives voting their way, syndrome before in our history: Played out by the KKK, in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. The group, who demonstrate the Angry White Syndrome is still active in this country.

Seeds were planted by anti-Obama racists like the Tea Party, which was successful in filling Congress with like-minded racists, who are demonstrating  every day by sitting on their collective asses, instead of addressing social problems and subsequent legislation, while President Obama is in office,

Why didn't we address that fact this Congress vowed during President Obama's first term, seven years ago, to fight him every step of the way? To do this, they just denied any and all legislation for Human services. How can our elected Congress members refuse to do their job, and are allowed to, for nearly 8 years now???

FUN FACT: Did you know your Congress eliminated breakfast for our American troops fighting in Afghanistan? Effective last October, members of Congress claimed it was necessary to fights costs of the war(s). This despite the fact that half of our country's budget is allotted to the war efforts. WTF?

So, now we have "the" Donald Trump, who has made fun of Women, Disabled and Latinos, like a big bully - right in front of our Ears! He is well on his way to the nomination, on the backs of Disenfranchised by people like Trump!  Sad - and scary!

It is mind-blowing to me Trump has continued this far. Aides say openly he "will change after the election."  Change to what?

Trump has led supporters in a Nazi salute, made fun of Americans, and wants women back in the 1950s.

I try not to worry because fair-minded Americans won't vote for Trump - if they vote at all.

Last year, 36 percent of Americans voted in this last Presidential election. When Presidents win, they generally win in elections when more than 50 percent vote. How sad is that?

When President Obama was campaigning he drew crowds over 100,000, while in contrast Trump hasn't seen more than 50,000 in a turnout.

I believe about 70 percent of voters are already decided, and the millions of dollars being spent on the commercialization until November is just too far fetched for me to get my head around. Disgusting!

Tell your neighbors, friends, relatives, people all around you to register and vote in the November Presidential election.  I have faith Americans will do the right thing and support Sen. Hillary Clinton now and for our sake, get a Women in the White House.