Americans have, somewhat, conceded Billionaire businessman Donald Trump was elected to President of the United States instead of the most qualified candidate in history, Hillary Clinton.
I am still so pissed Women did not vote to be represented in the highest honor of this country. And , of course, the fact a racist, misogynist, pig will lead our country for the next four years.
Still president-elect until inauguration day Jan. 20, Trump put together as cabinet of old, white men, who are just like him. He has ordered all U.S. Ambassadors to quit on that day.
He and his cronies have vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, dubbed by Republicans 'Obamacare' after our President Barack Obama, who has served this country valiantly for eight years. More than 16 million Americans from the poorest demographic will lose health insurance.
Trump, according to his web site also vowed to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans by 15 percent; and double taxes for the lowest income Americans. Abortions will be outlawed as will same-sex marriages and marijuana.
Did you know: Up to 1.1 million names were deleted from voter rolls via a program called Crosscheck. Nearly 850 polling stations were shut down since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act; and it was the first presidential election without the protection of the Act.
In addition, the FBI, CIA and 15 other U.S. intelligence agencies have verified the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Trump wants to get rid of these agencies, it was reported Jan. 4.
Also 50 voters in the Electoral College voted illegally. My trust in the system has been broken, even though I held on for many, many years trusting the process.
Not only did a 'majority' of Americans miss the one viable chance to make herstory by getting a female elected to the White House, they also made it possible to have a majority of Republicans (Trump's party) in control of both houses of Congress.
Trump is not even President yet and he has already changed the fabric of this country. Shame on you if you voted for him. Call your Congressional representatives to let them know if you disagree the way things are going. We Are The People. And we have power.