If you don't think this Country is in serious trouble consider that David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, hailed Presidential Candidate Donald Trump as its next "White Knight" on his radio program today.
Earlier this year, Trump failed to reject Duke's endorsement.
Duke told listeners to "make sure Trump understands that we expect him to follow through ... and we expect him to be our White Knight, our advocate and our person."
Okay, anybody else see what is wrong with this picture? For Christsakes, I thought the Generation before me took care of this racist nonsense. Not to mention that Black Lives Matter have taken over the conversation.
Here we are in 2016, on one hand, we have a woman - Sen. Hillary Clinton - finally being considered for the Office of the Presidency; which is ABOUT TIME, since women make up more than 50% of this country's population.
On the other hand, we have a Republican presumptive nominee to the Office, Trump, who has raised the Angry White Man (and woman) Syndrome to a frenzy pace, so far.
Now, Trump has vowed to lead the mob to a hate-Hillary (i.e. All Women) campaign of insults, and a barrage of false claims about personal issues and appearance.
Feminism means you believe in fair play and pay for Women - and right now I hope every human in America stands up and vows their feminism!