Spent the day pondering how to approach the fact 69 percent of women voters said today they will not vote for the presumptive Republican Candidate "the" Donald Trump, this year for election of the Office of President of the U.S.A.
What does that say about the GOP? Leaders have already said they are not unified as a party.
Said candidate Trump spent the morning attacking the female Democrat presumptive candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton by bringing up her husband's (our former President Bill Clinton) liaisons in their marriage.
Oh, Trump is not done, by far, he said Sen. Clinton is an "enabler" for allowing personal marital issues to happen; and, to which there is no proof, that she "treated the women (who cheated with President Clinton) terribly ... destroying them" after the affairs were over!
Oh, she MAY have, like any other women, made disparaging remarks about those women.
Okay, so if you are still with me, Trump is a well-known philanderer, who has traded up on at least 2 wives. Talk about calling the kettle black!
Trump wants women to tow the line - subservient to men!
This is a national emergency. Women MUST VOTE for Sen. Clinton.
I don't even want to hear talk from the ungrateful Millennials, who because of us, can say "I don't have to vote for Sen. Clinton BECAUSE she is a woman." Yes, girls. Yes, you do!
Also this week, there is a federal fight against the N.C. governor, who wants to ban transgender people from using their gender-identified bathrooms.
C'mon, we all have been using pissing and shitting together in port-a-potties! I have been know to use the Men's room on occasion. (Can you imagine how much time women spend in line for the bathroom during their lifetime?) Never been chided for that! WTF?