Just wanted to set the record straight: The annual Women's Equality Day Saturday has been on the Washington Mall since about the time of the suffragettes. lol
Careful planning by nonprofit 'sane' groups get things done, such as Women's Equality Day. It was not an "organic" movement against President Donald (Jackass) Trump, who was inaugurated Friday to a somewhat (hahahaha) smaller crowd on the Mall.
President Trump's first official news conference Saturday evening to the American people was a tantrum that his somber inauguration was far more crowded. Trump forgets photos don't lie, and the 'Nazi' U.S. press do not doctor things.
As a veteran of the Women's March for Equality, as called in 1982 and 2010, there have been 'sister' marches throughout the United States every year, too - while not in the numbers like Jan. 21, 2017. In the late 1970s, I marched with women for equality in my small hometown!
The pink started with 'girlie pink power' and some other feminist groups, such as Code Pink, and Move On have fringed off to fight their own specific causes; but join in solidarity with equality for women. The Susan G. Komen rip-off foundation started using pink for Cancer survivors in the early 1990s, I believe.
The sea of pink at this year's March (not rally) took off when a video of two hippie female U.S. military Veterans making these easy hats for friends, went viral earlier this year.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has been before Congress every year since the 1970s, and it still has not made it to the 'light of day' in the House.
It was uplifting to see so many marchers for women's equality on every continent on Planet Earth!
And, hopefully, everyone who voted for anyone else but. Sen. Hillary Clinton last November, who gave this election to President Trump (I do throw up a little when I write that!) are feeling a bit like shit this weekend.
Stay tuned. It is going to be a bumpy ride.