Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Time for serious balance

My Body, Mind, and Spirit have all been lacking since April to the point I could not stop the reversible unbalanced space, a feeling I have been in for far too long.

When you are concentrating on one area of your life without tending to the others, all connections suffer.

With pain invading nearly every moment of my life, other areas, my body, mind and spirituality lacks serious balance.

Please forgive me for not writing earlier – a poor sign for a new blogger! Now I know, really know pain, and I’ve survived so far- but it’s come at a price.

After walking 30K steps in two days – it just felt good walking after struggling so long! There is still pain but is slowly NOT effecting my entire life.

It will take some time – baby steps- I am still healing in all areas.

First and foremost, take care of me and that starts with a pause from the computer – too much sadness, negativity, and time! I am wasting very serious time.

I am exercising more, using my mind to bring a better content to this blog, and started a new free 21-day meditation on Grace by Oprah and Deepok Chopra.

My new mantra – even in Boston traffic is: Compassion. Kindness. Harmony. Love.