Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Friday, May 13, 2016

Women bashing Women

Here we are in a election season that has been contentious at best, and the male Republican candidate is Bashing the female Democrat candidate - left and right, pun intended - followed by his people he has incited - whom I call the Angry (mostly) White Male (now there are more female lemmings - go figure!) Syndrome: Angry Man Syndrome.

Not only that but Women are bashing our last hope (at least in my lifetime) to have a President that looks like us - will represent us - the 53 percent of female voters!

I am hurt and perplexed at the ungrateful Millennials, for whom I marched on Washington twice, Denver, twice, Dallas, twice and in California more than four times for nearly 40 decades to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. They say "I don't have to vote for a President just because she is a woman."

Whoa there girlie. Without US Women, you would probably be looking forward to your choices in life: Nurse, Teacher, Wife or Secretary? What if I can't care for the baby?  And why do my clothes cost more than men's? Why can't I make a living to support my family?

Oh yea, some of those ARE still going on - along with teen suicide, drug use,  murders, and overdoses across the board up 400 percent in my lifetime!

I also helped elect candidates, from both parties, who were sympathetic, and at least, open to the notion Women may be equal to Men.

I was blessed to have Title 9 passed when I was in high school and more sports opened up for us. But the ERA would have settled the equal pay argument and ensured Women had the same opportunities as Men. Simple as that.

It has been before Congress every year for 34 years. It had been denied every single time! WTF?

Since the Suffragettes, US Women have fought for things like well, Voting, holding property, working, health care, rape is rape, No means No, Respect Yourself. You are better than the boys! - Things Millennials take for granted.

Now, I am so ashamed to say from-what-I-see, Millennials dress like hookers, put their duck-face photos all over the Internet, claim to care for the planet, campaign reform (which I doubt many could actually explain), taking care of children overseas with a check. They call each other 'Bitch.'  They are pretty much on their telephones 24/7. (Not much in-person contact there.)

We are to blame for that, too. We have allowed the FCC to make these subtle changes, so 40 percent of a TV show, for instance is advertisements, words like 'Bitch' and adults having adult conversations and sex during the "family hour" is commonplace.

We have allowed the FCC to break it own rules of the Presidential election: If you give one minute of time on air to one candidate, one party, you must give equal time to the other party. Is that holding true?  Think about it.

Still, I say to EVERY SINGLE WOMEN IN AMERICA: You must vote (to show Congress that WE are still here), and to get the first female President in our country's history become a reality.

To those Millennials, and I will say it every chance I get, Yes. Yes, girls. You MUST vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton!

Oh, and quit calling each other names. It is unbecoming of a Woman.

This is a good place to learn more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/18-real-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-women_us_55d356a8e4b07addcb442023