Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Two months to election

Haven't written for a while because, seriously, I was waiting for this (GOP candidate Donald) Trump nightmare to end, but it seems to be true and it does seem to go on and on and on.

Luckily, we only have 65 days left until America's General Election for President of the United States. I truly believe if you vote for Trump, you are a racist! He has shown us many times he is a racist; (misogynist and confused liar) but I don't want to waste any of our energies writing about him.

To those who say: 'I am not voting for either of them;' I say you are bringing a racist closer to the White House. And by not exercising your vote, you are giving up your only chance in four years to let the lawmakers know: 'Hey we are out here, and we need help, too.'

To those who say: 'I am not going to vote for Hillary Clinton (the Democrat candidate) just because she is a woman.' I say, if you are a woman, yes, yes (!) you do HAVE to vote for her because she is a woman.'

I didn't become a feminist fighting for Title IX and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA, which has been before Congress for more than 30 consecutive years! They deny it each year.) for you to run around and not support issues and people who believe women should be given the same rights as men. Have some respect.

Besides, Women make up 53 percent of American voters, and it is about time we had a woman in the White House! I don't know about you, but in my 55 years, I am sick and tired of wealthy white men making decisions that affect my life!

To all men who have wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, you should be keeping them in mind when you vote! Don't you think this country deserves a woman in the White House?

And finally to those who say (for the first time in their voting lives) 'I am going to vote Green, Libertarian, etc. etc.'  I say, this year, you have a responsibility to other Americans to ensure Trump does not make it into office. The consequences are just too scary.

Clinton is the obvious choice because she knows what to do to keep our country safe and our citizens thriving. She can hit the ground running, and it's up to the idiots (Republicans) in Congress to support her as President (instead of sitting on their collective asses for the past eight years refusing to support our first Black President Barack Obama.)

Those two-year elections for Congress should have the highest voter response than any because these are the people who make the laws. Thank God more women have gotten in the House and Senate than ever before. Now, we just need to vote (!) to make both houses Blue again. : )

We have an opportunity, my fellow Americans, to elect a person who is more compassionate, with more empathy; who knows how to do the job, and has contacts worldwide; and who has literally been working her whole life to finally crash this final glass ceiling.

Hillary Clinton IS going to be our next President if we all vote!

My advice: Better get used to it!