Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

They're baaccck Call 'em!

The U.S. Congress got back to work today, after many weeks on vacation, and it’s time to tell our out-of-touch representatives what we want them to accomplish during this short time before the holidays.

It will be a busy session for Congress but they should be well-rested! Thank God(dess)! Lol

Our reps will consider many topics from a possible government shutdown (whooooo) and the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act, (passed by the House) which bows down to big food corporations that don’t want GMO labeling, despite the fact nine out of 10 Americans favor GMO labeling. Why don’t our reps listen?  Oh, they do!

Remember it all comes down to money.

Big business, Feminists, religious fanatics, advocates for the rich and poor and others are very vocal. And it’s important for all Americans who give a shit to get moving no pun intended lol Our representatives are very accessible – a phone call away.

I will be calling on several topics. First and foremost, I am against any more investigations, hearings, or anymore BS about Benghazi or Planned Parenthood. Enough with the e-mail and doctored videos! Do what is right. We are spending millions that could be better spent!

Next, I want them to stop putting conditions and clandestinely other unrelated issues in other bills. I hate that!

I want them to increase funding to Planned Parenthood, as it is often the only option for women’s healthcare. I want GMO labeling.

I don’t want another war anywhere! I want the U.S. to take in more refugees and stop the tragedy on the other side of the world!  We are all humans! Have some compassion!

I also want term limits brought up to the table. Many, many members of Congress have served more than 50 years in office! Some have been in office nearly 80 years! Congressional seats should have four-year limits as to let other people with other perspectives to help lead our nation.
And, man oh man, stop the friggin partisan bullshit. Support our president, whoever that may be.

Am I asking too much? We’ll see.