Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Monday, September 26, 2016

Debate musings

OMG! The national debate Monday evening (Must-See TV!) showed such a clear-cut choice for our next (and first female) President of the United States Sen. Hillary Clinton.

I have not written much about this (farce of a) election. This Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for President, is So Disrespectful of our nation's Office (and of Women, the LGBT community, Disabled, Blacks and Latinos, and, well, Americans)! AND, that's why I haven't written much. You can't argue with crazy.

However. I did say that same thing during and after debates with our last two Bush (debacle) Administrations. AND Americans voted that family in twice!

God(desses) help us! Tell everyone you know to vote Nov. 8, in our 58th quadrennial Presidential election. It is a Federal law employers give ALL employees time off to vote; and you can register to vote at the polls with identification this year.

The only thing I will write until after votes are counted is:  'Bout fucking time we have a Woman in the White House. I hope Americans agree.