Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Saturday, September 5, 2015

COLA cuts? Speak up!

The assault on Social Security continues as the U.S. Government announced there won’t be Cost of Living Adjustments in 2016, because many decision makers believe the COLA is “too generous,” according to Social Security Works.

That means our annual Social Security of about $14,375 a year will not be increased to adjust to the rising costs across the board.

It’s ridiculous to even discuss dropping the COLA. Retirees and surviving spouses are already spending 37% of their Social Security on out-of-pocket health-care costs.

In addition more than 15 MILLION Medicare will see a 50% increase in their monthly premiums in 2016.

We are struggling to meet our basic needs with the annual amount!

What in the world are these decision makers thinking? It includes politicians and corporations who are driving these assaults on the poor.

They are so rich they are completely out of touch with what the average American faces every day.

The cuts to my food stamps from $125 a month to just $16 has already changed the way I have to eat.

Rising costs have hit every facet of our lives. Reducing the COLA is a flat-out slap in the face by Washington, and they only way to stop it is by our VOTE.  Calling and visiting representatives is another way we can let out voices be heard.

I wish more Americans would exercise these rights to insist change is necessary to the mentality of the people who are basically running our lives. It’s sad more people don’t speak up.