Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Saturday, September 12, 2015

God(dess) has a plan

I am very hopeful my new abode is coming and the search is on! Finding a place to live is, for sure, the worst thing about moving across country.

Been looking since I moved back for the past two weeks; and it has led me to count my blessings, especially how my family has been helping so much.

Being reminded this move is my decision and things are not going to be the same as they were in Boston is obvious to me. Why would I want to move to some place the same as the last?  lol

I am excited about another change in my life!

And I was compelled to return home. I could not ignore it any longer! My faith is real to me and I have a lot of it! lol

It will all come together in God(dess) plan, which is always bigger and better than what I expect!

Patience also is lacking in my life. lol

It has been difficult to tend to what has to be done according to my core values of Spirituality, Self Care, Justice and Independence. I am severely lacking in all of them, at this time, but I work on something each day. This will pass very soon because even a delay could be beneficial.

It throws me for a loop after three years of treatment when structure isn't apparent! I blame myself, of course, which could easily lead me down paths of destruction.

It's a scary time for me, I admit. But only when I've forgotten to keep the faith, the peace, and constant mindfulness.

Dreams also are coming back.  : )