Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Monday, September 14, 2015

Time to Segregate!

At a local convenience store, the female clerk was cleaning the bathroom when she ran out gagging and making a ruckus about the homeless women who use it and the gall of them to be so dirty, adding those people, "most (of whom) choose to be homeless," should be "out of sight."

She was shocked when I said I was a homeless Veteran, adding most homeless people I know do not choose to be that way! She fumbled with some sort of justification, which I didn't stick around to hear. As I was walking out, she said, louder, "Sorry. Thank you for your service."  lol

How sad everyday Americans want Homeless, Poor, Homosexual, Mentally ill, Disabled, Black (pick your beat-upon group) to be out of sight - much like the Jews in Nazi Germany.

It's alarming to me the lack of empathy for our neighbors! Anybody heard of "Do Unto Others" as you would yourself. for God(dess) sake!

It is heartbreaking to me the tragedy overseas of migrant families from war-torn countries. What parent wouldn't make the trek to give their child a better life?

A few countries pledged to take in more refugees after Germany opened its borders. The U.S. agreed to take in 10,000; and isn't that a drop in the pan of what is needed - globally - now?

Now, the European Union failed in talks to set mandatory quotas to other countries; and the fences and walls are going up and migrants are literally pushed away from new lives. It is sickening to me!

We can make a difference. Call your Congressional reps and let them know how you feel, or visit Unicef, where 90 percent of donations go directly to children. unicefusa.org/MigrantChildren