Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day a joke

Today, the working(wo)mans holiday, Labor Day, was celebrated by a day off for some, and more workers, who are barely making a step out of check-to-check living with the humiliating $7 an hour going to jobs, whose bosses observe the day by holding SALES!

I remember when the holiday would result in empty streets and smells of barbecue.

Pueblo is known as Steel City and was once a Labor-run town. Everyone knew someone who worked at the Steel Mill – both of my grandpa’s did. There are still labor unions, but they are few and far-between, thanks to the anti-worker extremists funded by billionaires.

Our ancestors built the railways West, and now Mr. Warren Buffet is reaping the rewards – although he is quite a philanthropist.

President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a national holiday the first Monday in September, in 1909; although labor unions had pressed for acknowledgement for many years before that.

Colorado was one of the first states to recognize Labor Day, more than six years before the U.S. Congress made it a national holiday.

Now, anti-worker groups try to restrict rights of teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses and other people who serve the public to have a say in wages – at a time when union workers could be rebuilding infrastructure and bridges!

President Barack Obama claims there have been nearly 14 million private-sector jobs created since 2010, and 66 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. How is that prosperity being shared?

The group of New York City fast food workers started the global movement Fight for 15, for a raise in the minimum wage, and more and more workers are starting such movements. It is just the right thing to do.

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