Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sometimes you are the Angel

Sometimes you are the Angel in someone's life. Sometimes other people are your Angel. I truly believe that because I have had some Angels in my life. That's why I always pay it forward.

For instance I have a friend I have known since elementary school. She wrote on Facebook today a story about how she helped out a homeless, hungry, young 'kid.'

She wrote:'Leaving my commercial kitchen, a young man approached me wanting to know if I had anything he could eat. ... I found some apples and cheese (for him). He sat on the curb and had eaten the apple by the time I had backed out.'

Today, she was his Angel.

My friend reached out about resources in her community and she prompted her friends to do the same and help homeless children.

On the other hand: Nearing the end of the month, (of which I am always out of money), I had to humble myself and go to a food pantry yesterday. (Luckily there are a lot of resources in my town.)

The thing is, food pantries seldom distribute any fresh produce!

It is no wonder obesity is such a problem. It is too expensive to eat healthy. Say I had a family of five, I could spend $2 on cheap hamburger, and $2 for Hamburger Helper and feed my family.

Or I could spend $4 on fresh strawberries and have enough for one snack for the children.

Anyway, I digress... I was at a friends' business today where she sells fresh-picked, local produce. For $5 you can get a smaller (than the large) tub of strawberries. I was venting to her about not being able to have fresh produce yada yada yada lol.

There was a man sitting on a bench there, who asked me for $1 for gas. I (reluctantly) gave it to him. (I say reluctantly because I have $14 to last me eight days.)

The man, who turned out to be the produce man, told me to take a tub of strawberries! Tears just burst from my eyes because this stranger let me buy all those strawberries for $1!  How lucky am I! Today, he was my Angel.

Even kindness can be as small as smiling at someone, you will have changed that person's life.