Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Monday, May 2, 2016

Music part of this planet, too!

Been waiting for my page views to hit a certain number before I continue writing ... Casually mentioned this to my friend, and she graciously hit my page four times, so Rita, thank you!

With all the shit going on in the world, it is difficult to choose a specific topic! I mean, of course, this election season, so far, has been the most bullshit array of rich people flaunting the fact they collect more from 'poor people' and spend more getting their name everywhere. Disgusting! Where are the facts?

And then there is the historic climate change recognition with the world signing the Paris Agreement, recently. And the continued back-speak by confused and diluted Americans believing how climate change is some hoax or conspiracy theory! Sad.

Mass shootings, terrorist attacks, (lack of enforced) gun laws: So much to write about there!

Personally, I can write about living a changed life, finding my center so I am being truer to my self than ever, and found love again.

Or I can write about finally doing things I love; like staying outside from dawn to dusk, fishing and kayaking the Arkansas River, hiking my beautiful Colorado mountains, and finding my tribe,

But, I think I will write about music. It is an important subject to me. It has always been part of my life from my parents giving me Marty Robbins, (whom I met later in life), and Merle Haggard, Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass' and strong female singers like Patsy Cline, Vikki Carr, and Aretha Franklin.

I am listening to more and more music, and less and less TV and radio. Music fills my core, makes me dance, smile or cry or laugh or sing!

I was lucky to live in the greatest era of music: the 1960s and '70s, so Pink Floyd, The Doors, Bad Company (my all-time favorite band) and Elvis! are to name just a bit of my music catalog that has taken me through my life. The Blues have been integral to me for more than 20 years.

Music, like smells, can evoke memories of specific moments of life, and I enjoy just sitting back for the 3-minutes or so, and just take the music in when that happens. Music can change people. There are cases where music lifts a person out of a coma, or stills a Veteran with PTSD.

Life is so short. And the older you get the faster time flies. I hope everyone has music in their lives - more than songs at halftime, or prepared bits on TV and radio.

Frankly, I am worried if music isn't part of your life, too!