Quote of the Day

'You can' t say a woman's life is

more valuable than a man's life'

– Wilma Vaught, Ret. USAF brigadier general

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Society says Liars are Okay

Why doesn't it matter if presumptive Republican nominee 'the' Donald Trump lies?

Everyday since Trump has announced his candidacy for our nation's highest office President of the United States, he has been caught in a lie, whether it be about releasing his taxes, flip-flopping on proposed policy, disparaging remarks about Women, Latinos, the Disabled, failed businesses, or marriages, past remarks and being the 'mysterious' Mr. Miller in an interview in which the recording, and the reporter said it was Trump! WTF?

A lie is a lie is a lie. Period. Nothing more simple than that. Fess up or shut up. Don't lie - because the No. 1 reason is You Will Be Caught. And Trump has been caught over and over and over. Not many people seem to care. How sad is that?

I am throwing up a bit as I say this but Trump could be our next President.

The dictionary defines liar as "deliberately untruthful, deceitful, false?" That seems to be okay with followers of Trump, and mainstream media.

His lying doesn't seem to factor in on the Republican process for choosing its next "President."

Okay, there are documented cases in which Presidents from Washington to Obama have lied. Usually it was about foreign policy not discussed in those periods of America's history, and certainly not subjected to the 24/7 news period.

Hell, the 'revered' President Ronald Reagan lied about trading hostages for weapons in the Iran-Contra affair during my U.S. Navy service service in 1986. Consequences of Reagan's lie have reached past decades. Those 'said weapons' are being recycled and reused by Isis in its Middle East War.

Still, it is not okay. My father, also a Navy Veteran doesn't get recognition of his service during the Bay of Pigs because President John F. Kennedy lied about having any military involvement in the area.

Liars have most definitely factored in my 30-year career as a Journalist. Sources or bosses lied to my face. I am the most naive person, and still have the pollyanna affect that makes me believe people - something I hope to never lose.

However, lying to my face is the most offensive thing a person can do to me. Oh sure, we lie all the time about niceties: Saying we are fine when we are not when someone asks, or saying someone looks great, when in fact they don't.

But it still is mind-blowing to me Trump is in this race to start with; and now that is it acceptable he is a Liar? Trump should, at least, release his taxes! The Democratic candidates have.

May God(dess) grant us Peace.